Monday, May 25, 2009

Excursion to Surrey

Sunday had started off the usual way, sleep-in + late breakfast, when an eager and unrelenting Summer's day jumped the gun on Spring. Despite our best efforts to be lazy at home, we were too inspired by this glorious day and immediately called Dylan to plan a short road trip out of London Town. Destination: Surrey. We had no idea where exactly in Surrey we were going or what we were going to find even.. which made it all the more exciting. If we could just navigate out of London first..!

The streets of London are a little chaotic at the moment with many roads dug up due to Boris replacing old, leaky Victorian water pipes. But with Dylan's superior navigating skills and some help from iPhone Maps we eventually found ourselves cruising south west on the A3 out of London.

One hour later and a turn off the A3 found us in Cobham - light, leafy, green, meadow filled, prosperous Cobham - our first experience of non-city England.

Houses we saw were large and identified by estate name rather than number

And looked not too unlike something out of an Austin (minus the car of course)
Had to shoot these as we drove past hence the wonkiness.

The local pub

Enjoying a pint

Remember Fosters? I don't think they realise we don't even have it in Australia anymore

Street side window of the Pub

We asked the bar staff what attractions were worth seeing in Cobham. After conferring with a regular patron at the bar they concluded that anything worth seeing would be closed as it was Sunday. Instead, they suggested heading down to Guilford, which we did. There we visited another quaint pub before having dinner at Byron. The hamburgers we ate were very high quality but alas, starvation had driven me to forgetfulness and I have no photos to show for this fine meal.

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