The opening of Genius Party BEYOND. Needless to say Ad was very excited about this! We went to see it in a little art house cinema called Cinem@rt - it's kinda like a Dendy back home. Here's the trailer.
Next up was a look around Roppingi Hills. It's a more up market shopping complex in a series of buildings, hence the 'hills' bit I think! Not the quite the Gucci, Prada, Harry Winston that you find at Ginza or Harajuku but lots of other expensive labels I've never heard of.
Move over Samsonite..

It's Halliburton.
Then we headed over to Tokyo Midtown and found a Vietnamese restaurant!

The sign reads:
PHO = Fresh x Healthy x Ethnic
Yep, definately 3 good reasons to eat pho! lol
Our last stop in Roppongi was Time & Style, a furniture and homewares shop, where once again by chance we stumbled upon a free show. A BOSSA NOVA one of all things!! : )
Performing one of my favourites, Chega De Saudade
Bossa Nova at Midtown featuring:
Ricardo Sagioratto guitar/bass
Paulo Cesar Gomes piano/vocal
Francis Silva percussion/vocal
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