The other thing we did at Akihabara was get our Master Licences at a Maid Cafe complete with commemorative photos.

Poses as per Maid's instruction - 'Love' and 'Cats'
A Maid Cafe is similar to a normal cafe except that you are served by super attentive maids wearing big fluffy french maid outfits. We are seated by our maid to a chorus of maids saying something to the effect of 'welcome lord and lady'.
A menu is dutifully presented to us by our maid and explained - however in Japanese. You can order the usual food and drink but also order photos with maids of your choice or even kids games to play with the maids.
Before eating and drinking our icecream and coffee, we had to put 'magic' into them using special words and hand movements as instructed by our maid.
We barely understood a whole word while we were there but they would insistently jibbered to us in their high pitched squeelish voices with their big doe eyes staring at us until we nodded our heads.
In short, a place we'd highly recommend to James or Keene.
You can check out their website here.
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