Sunday, June 21, 2009

Brighton Up Your Day!

Has been awhile between posts, not because life has been boring but because we've had a number of OS visitors! Hopefully I will get around to doing a catch up post about that soon. 

Today however, I wanted to share some photos of our outing on Saturday - Brighton - my first trip to the beach in England. A trip to Brighton on the train takes around an hour. We opted to drive even though we knew that it would mostly likely take even longer, which it did. Almost 2 hours on the way there! Traffic was crawling south out of London and Dylan suspects that Tom Tom didn't take this into account when routing the fastest way to the freeway. Despite this, I'm glad we drove rather than train'ed as it's much more scenic and entertaining.

So this is Brighton beach:

Brighton Pier (there's a theme park at the end of it!)

The walk along the beach is filled with things to see/do/eat

Like fish and chips! I'm not a die hard fan of this dish, but if fish'n'chips always tasted this good then maybe I would be..

HAD to have one of these after..

Chillin' on the beach (with my icecream)


Dean said...

What a fine pair of feet. Those grains of sand appear rather large.

anna said...

It's just that my feet are really small.. so the grains look really BIG! :D

Dean said...

Nice reply. At least you won't have to much trouble with that sand getting in your pants or socks and shoes.